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₹30796.80 /Year

Comodo Code Signing

  • These code signing certificates help ensure that any code or content you’re looking to distribute over the internet is safe from modification, re-hosting, and impersonation by malicious third parties.

₹40359.60 /Year

Comodo EV Code Signing

  • Comodo Extended Validation (EV) Code Signing gives your customers the peace of mind to download your software.
  • After all, you’ve worked too hard for that conversion for a browser warning to derail you.
  • An EV Code Signing certificate features all the benefits of a regular code signing certificate but offers identity assurance.
  • And identity assurance is what gets rid of those pesky browser warnings and builds file reputation in Microsoft SmartScreen.
  • Your EV Code Signing certificate also features an added layer of security—your private key will be physically stored on an external hardware token.
  • This eliminates any risk of unauthorized use of your code signing certificate.
  • In 2017, code signing is a requirement.
  • Take the extra steps to not only guarantee your software’s integrity—but also to verify your identity to your customers.
  • After all, nothing boosts conversions like trust.

₹30796.80 /Year

Sectigo Code Signing Certificate

  • Signing scripts and executables both assures customers of your verified identity and acts as an indicator in the event your software is altered or tampered with.
  • Consumers demand assurance and only Code Signing can provide it to them.

₹40359.60 /Year

Sectigo EV Code Signing Certificate

  • Assert maximum identity on all your scripts and executables with Extended Validation code signing.
  • Not only does it feature enhanced security in the form of a private key saved on an external hardware toke, it’s also the only guaranteed way to avoid unknown publisher warnings on the Microsoft SmartScreen filter.

₹44624.40 /Year

DigiCert Code Signing Certificate

  • Inform your users that your company’s code has been verified by the world-renown leader in web security; DigiCert.
  • Your customers will know that your company’s code is safe from modification, re-hosting, and impersonation by other, malicious 3rd parties.

₹62509.20 /Year

DigiCert EV Code Signing Certificate

  • Assert maximum identity on all your scripts and executables with Extended Validation code signing.
  • Not only does it feature enhanced security in the form of a private key saved on an external hardware token, it’s also the only guaranteed way to avoid unknown publisher warnings on the Microsoft SmartScreen filter.
SSL Certificates

Why buy an SSL certificate

Rock-solid security

Comodo's SSL certificates provide upto 128 or 256-bit encryption for maximum security of your website visitors' data

Boost customer confidence

Many customers actively look for the SSL lock icon before handing over sensitive data. Get an SSL certificate to increase your customer's trust in your online business.

Better SEO rankings

Google gives higher rankings to websites secured with SSL certificates. Which means SSL certificates are critical if you're serious about your online business.

Comodo Secure Seal

Your certificate comes with a Comodo Secure Seal that serves as a constant reminder to customers that your site is protected

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