Pricing Plan

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₹15537.60 /Year

Comodo EV SSL

  • In addition to the green address bar, this certificate features a HackerGuardian Vulnerability Scan, a free site seal free PCI scanning, free daily website scanning, a post-install health check, and the "point-to-verify" Comodo trustmark.
  • This EV certificate offers tremendous value for your dollar.

₹15537.60 /Year

Sectigo EV SSL

  • Assert maximum organizational identity with one of the most trusted SSL/TLS certificates on the market, the Sectigo EV SSL.
  • Receive preferential browser treatment for your website, showcase your identity in the address bar.
  • There’s no better value for an EV SSL certificate.

₹112308.00 /Year

Enterprise SSL Pro with EV

  • Enterprise SSL Pro with EV represents the absolute maximum in trust and assurance you can receive from an SSL certificate and Comodo.
  • This is the ultimate in identity assurance.
  • After undergoing extensive vetting (nothing to worry about if your business registration is up to date) you'll be issued an enterprise-level EV SSL certificate that activates the green address bar, comes backed by the highly-recognized Comodo Secure site seal and features the highest warranty in the entire SSL industry: $2,000,000.
  • This is the best SSL certificate Comodo has to offer.
  • The most assurance, highest level of trust, best single site EV certificate, period.
  • Nothing tells your customers you care about their safety quite like Enterprise SSL Pro with EV.

₹10060.80 /Year

PositiveSSL EV

  • Introducing the PositiveSSL EV certificate, which offers access to Extended Validation SSL at an extremely budget-friendly price point.
  • Positive SSL EV comes with a dynamic Positive SSL trust seal, a $1,000,000 warranty and activates the green address bar, which displays your company or organization’s verified name in green font next to the URL.
  • Being able to verify your identity for your customers is becoming increasingly important on today’s internet.
  • Can you afford not to take advantage of this opportunity? .

₹38445.60 /Year

DigiCert Extended Validation SSL

  • This basic EV SSL/TLS certificate is a legacy DigiCert high-assurance certificate that comes with full business validation and a $1M warranty.

₹100042.80 /Year

DigiCert Secure Site EV SSL

  • This industry staple EV certificate, now powered by DigiCert, is a comprehensive security solution equipped with the highest level of brand validation, a $1.
  • 75M warranty, instant issuance, CertCentral®, and the Norton™ Seal.

₹20694.00 /Year

GeoTrust True BusinessID with EV

  • This certificate comes with the highest level of security and authentication.
  • With this EV certificate, you will get the most trusted symbol on the internet the green address bar, along with a dynamic site seal and unlimited server licensing.
SSL Certificates

Why buy an SSL certificate

Rock-solid security

Comodo's SSL certificates provide upto 128 or 256-bit encryption for maximum security of your website visitors' data

Boost customer confidence

Many customers actively look for the SSL lock icon before handing over sensitive data. Get an SSL certificate to increase your customer's trust in your online business.

Better SEO rankings

Google gives higher rankings to websites secured with SSL certificates. Which means SSL certificates are critical if you're serious about your online business.

Comodo Secure Seal

Your certificate comes with a Comodo Secure Seal that serves as a constant reminder to customers that your site is protected

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